Main Street Survey

Calling all “Main Street” property owners!

Livingston County Economic Development is applying for New York Main Street grant funding to assist downtown property owners with transformative building renovations. Interest from building owners will strengthen our application and increase our chances of being funded. Do you have a project that you would like to complete in 2021? If approved, you could receive up to 75% reimbursement of your eligible project costs. We are seeking transformative projects – not just regular maintenance.

Eligible project costs include:

  • Façade restoration

  • Preparation for commercial tenants

  • Residential improvements

  • Energy efficiency improvements

  • Accessibility improvements

  • Health and safety improvements

If you are interested in participating, please take this quick and easy survey by December 24th, 2020.

UPDATE: The survey has now closed. If you are interested in applying for Main Street funding or looking for more information about financial assistance, please contact us at