Brand Guidelines

As we look to the future of Livingston County Economic Development, we are all responsible for telling our story in a clear, compelling and cohesive way. Our brand guide will help our partners, constituents, and clients understand, own and implement our identity with consistency, so we can realize our Grow LivCo vision. The Grow LivCo brand represents what Livingston County’s Office of Economic Development tirelessly works to do: Grow Livingston County using a tailored approach to connect businesses to resources and incentives to stimulate transformative economic growth. 

Invested in You – The Why

We have a passion for our community and seeing it grow. To ensure that LivCo grows, we have invested ourselves and resources into making meaningful connections for our business partners – connections to resources that will catalyze growth and incentives that spark success. And we have seen success in action across Livingston County’s 17 towns and 9 villages. To reflect this success and to represent the diversity of our partners, we set out to rebrand in a way that represents our efforts to Grow LivCo. 

Invested in Authenticity – The How 

Over the course of six months, our team conducted market research, focus groups, and collaborated with branding experts in creating the perfect brand to represent Livingston County’s Office of Economic Development. 

Invested in the Future - The What

The brand includes several new and exciting assets including:

  • Name: Grow LivCo

  • Logo suite

  • Color palette

  • Partner Logos

  • New Website

  • Brand Guidelines (download below!)


Color Palette


PMS: 7477C
RBG: 34 | 76 | 90
HSL: 195 | 45 | 24
HEX: #224C5A


PMS: 7483C
RBG: 30 | 92 | 55
HSL: 144 | 51 | 24
HEX: #1E5C37


PMS: 4975C
RBG: 65 | 31 | 30
HSL: 2 | 37 | 19
HEX: #411F1E


PMS: 7627C
RBG: 172 | 42 | 40
HSL: 1 | 62 | 42
HEX: #AC2A28


PMS: 7477C (60%)
RBG: 121 | 144 | 152
HSL: 195 | 13 | 54
HEX: #799098


PMS: 7483C (60%)
RBG: 120 | 154 | 127
HSL: 132 | 14 | 54
HEX: #789A7F


PMS: 4975C (60%)
RBG: 138 | 114 | 114
HSL: 0 | 10 | 49
HEX: #8A7272


PMS: 7627C (60%)
RBG: 214 | 132 | 120
HSL: 8 | 53 | 65
HEX: #D68478


PMS: 5493C
RBG: 123 | 168 | 174
HSL: 187 | 24 | 58


PMS: 558C
RBG: 155 | 190 | 170
HSL: 146 | 21 | 68


PMS: 124C
RBG: 241 | 167 | 13
HSL: 41 | 90 | 50
HEX: #F1A70D


PMS: 5493C (60%)
RBG: 178 | 204 | 204
HSL: 180 | 20 | 75


PMS: 558C (60%)
RBG: 194 | 216 | 203
HSL: 14 | 22 | 80


PMS: 124C (60%)
RBG: 250 | 201 | 124
HSL: 37 | 93 | 73




Archer is used for headlines and type stacks in print + online.



Montserrat is used for body copy and secondary information for print + online.


Download Logos Below


Grow LivCo


Proudly Partnered With

For our partners, we have created special logos to be used on your website and communication platforms. Below you will find the “Proudly Partnered” logo made especially for you. We encourage you to add this logo to your website and collateral to show that you a trusted partner with Livingston County Economic Development and a supporter of our mission. We have highlighted our partner organizations on our website as a trusted resource to our business owners and entrepreneurs. We also encourage you to utilize our hashtag, #growlivco on your social media platforms.


Proudly Invested In

For our business affiliates, we have created special logos to be used on your website and communication platforms. Below you will find several varieties of the “Proudly Invested” logo made especially for you. We encourage you to add this logo to your website and collateral to show that you have worked with our office and that you have pride in Livingston County. Displaying the logo helps create unity across our business community and expresses that you are proud to do business and invest in Livingston County. We also encourage you to utilize our hashtag, #growlivco on your social media platforms.